45212 on test round The Circuit

On Friday 3rd March Ian Riley’s Black 5, 45212, went on trial around The Circuit from Carnforth to Hellifield, Blackburn, Preston and return to Carnforth.

The trial was being conducted after work had been done on the loco at East Lancs Railway's Baron Street works in Bury. Following the test run 45212 worked from Carnforth to the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway to take part in their Steam Gala.

Immediately after the first photograph was taken on Wennington Curve the train stopped for a short time in Wennington Station before restarting on the 1:141 gradient towards Hellifield.

45212 on Wennington Curve.

Powering up the grade (1:141) on Wennington Curve, just before stopping at Wennington Station.

On Friday 3rd March Ian Riley’s Black 5, 45212, went on trial around The Circuit from Carnforth to Hellifield, Blackburn, Preston and return to Carnforth.

The trial was being conducted after work had been done on the loco at East Lancs Railway's Baron Street works in Bury. Following the test run 45212 worked from Carnforth to the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway to take part in their Steam Gala.

Immediately after the first photograph was taken on Wennington Curve the train stopped for a short time in Wennington Station before restarting on the 1:141 gradient towards Hellifield.

The train arrived in Hellifield in the rain to take on water after having been being held at Settle Junction. This due to an up Arco Quarry – Pendleton GBRf freight working and a down Northern Rail, Leeds – Armathwaite working, on the mainline.

Once it had taken on water at Hellifield the train made a hasty departure towards Blackburn and Preston in order to claim a vacant path across the junction at Hellifield.

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The train arrived in Hellifield in the rain to take on water after having been being held at Settle Junction. This due to an up Arco Quarry – Pendleton GBRf freight working and a down Northern Rail, Leeds – Armathwaite working, on the mainline.

Once it had taken on water at Hellifield the train made a hasty departure towards Blackburn and Preston in order to claim a vacant path across the junction at Hellifield.

45212 entering Hellifield Station

Cruising in the rain into Hellifield Station.

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Taking on water at Hellifield Station.

Taking on water at Hellifield Station.

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45212 crossing the River Calder on Whalley Viaduct.

Crossing the River Calder on Whalley Viaduct after being held at Whalley Station.

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45212 on Whalley Viaduct

45212 on Whalley Viaduct, passing over the village and works of Billington.